1st aid training

/Tag: 1st aid training

Dive into Safety: EFR Instructor Course with Jeff’s Diving World

By |2023-09-07T18:28:37+01:00September 7th, 2023|Categories: Diving Course, Diving Courses, First Aid Training|Tags: |

"Dive into Safety with Jeff's Diving World! Our exclusive Emergency First Response (EFR) Instructor Course equips you with life-saving skills that transcend the boundaries of land and water. With over two decades of expertise in the diving industry, our instructors bring practical, hands-on training to every session. Gain confidence in handling critical scenarios, from CPR to serious bleeding, and receive an internationally recognized certification upon completion. Don't wait – join us in making the world a safer place, one life at a time. Visit our website or contact us for inquiries and registration."